Just to keep you all updated, my roommate and i decided to move to the damn boonies (Rio Rancho) and yes i've heard it all from how stupid iam for making the move to "boy that's a far drive to KAFB." Well to be perfectly honest i don't really care. The house is new and hella-nice and who knows i might invest in 10 speed to avoid the rising gas prices. In light of moving and packing and having friends and family attempt to help there is added stress. The day I was supposed to be out of my old residence I think i could have choked everyone i came in contact with starting with my loving father. Plans were finalized days before, I would leave work early to get my sh*t out of course with my fathers help. Well let's just say sh*t happens and that's not exactly how things ended up. I received an e-mail from my biological father stating that he would not be able to help until later in the evening because my niece's (not blood related) had to be taken to the doctor. My blood is boiling after reading this. (For those of you that are unclear of my family situation here is a brief summary....my parents are divorced and my dad was re-married immediately after, the relationship i have with my step-mother isn't the greatest to say the least. I have a step-sister, ten years older married with two children and a step-brother, six years older married with 3 rugrats....anyway my step-family has always come first.) With that being said when my daddy tells me that he can't help me because of an appointment with my forced family i'm upset. I mean the damn kids are going to urgent care and their lives aren't in any great danger. One has a cough and the other an earache. They have OTC's that work just fine.....I'm an ONLY CHILD! Sorry for sounding selfish or rude but this has happened my entire life. When do i fit in? When will i come first? And what i forgot to mention was my wicked step-mother was going to be there. What was my fathers purpose for going? Better late than never right??? Thanks pops!
Now I don't want to leave out my mother.....she's lets just say not all there all the time. I love her to pieces but boy have we had it out many-a-times. I think she has good intensions but doesn't exactly know how or what to do with them. Nothing she did is really choke worthy at this time but give her a few days, i'll have my hobbit fingers around her neck for some reason or another. (Stop laughing Lese)
Now remember i'm at work half day cuz my co-worker/buddy Mandi is at some crazo convention or so she says, she's probably out w/ lil JB somewhere romantic.....of course we both can't have the day off without the AFRL/DE Front Office falling apart....anyway my landlord starts the phone calls early and is pressing us to be out as early as possible because her sisters are moving in and some dudes are coming to clean the bedroom carpets and they are yanking out the carpet and they are laying tile in the living room and so on and so forth. Lese and i are actually doing them a favor we paid for the entire month of January last time i checked. It's just nice to know they are willing to fix everything now that we have been complaining about all year. The washer leaked along with fridge that would freeze our veggies and the ice maker in the freezer didn't produce ice, the garage door was a piece of crap that would open and close when it felt like it. My room was a damn sauna and Niko's room was a damn ice box. Lese's closet doors were in the garage and was supposed to be fixed the week we moved in and well i'm shocked we managed to live in that box for so long i never really thought of all the crap that was wrong until just now.
Now on to my next choke victim, my "ladies man" whom i now owe my life to for his help and recruiting his cousin that was a former Boy Scout and definately came in handy when it was time to tie down the leaning tower of furniture.....anyway at about noon i was about to throw my now recently dropped and semi-broken magenta razor cell phone w/ out insurance out the fu(ken window. I received about um let me think....picture Dr. Evil with his pinky finger glued to his mouth as he voiced one million dollars in that creepy voice we all know. Well instead of dollars turn it into text messages. That's about how many damn messages i received from my "certain someone" to hurry the f-up with my first load of crap. Maybe i don't have the best concept of time but i don't think he fully understood that I shoved almost everything i owned into my vehicle that is as Lese refers to as 200X bigger than me. Well since i jam packed the damn thing i now had to unload it all my by my lil self. And maybe i wouldn't have taken so long and been so winded if i would have had some type of nourishment in my body other than the previous day's lunch/dinner from the vending machine; 2 bags of Doritos a Snickers a stolen cherry pop tart from Capt Brendizle (Mandi is that how you spell it?) and a bottle of non-fluoride bottle water. I think i need to learn to use my watch to tell time instead of as a fashion accessory and get some food in my stomach so i'm not cranky have no plans of going postal.
Now Lese I know you didn't think i was gonna leave you out did you? Of course not! I love ya! Thanks for putting up with all my complaints and minor concerns leading up to the move. We only have eachother, since i don't see anyone making the roadtrip to visit us. We might have to think about purchasing gas cards for family and friends.
Oh yea sorry SweetE, our landscaping isn't exactly finished so you'll have to wait to sit in the Yucca tree when they complete our neighbors casa. Hey it's better than the Cactus i requested........
Thank god the moving is over and Medusa Rachel is back in hiding. Speaking of Medusa, we need to get our hair done. Now we have a new backyard to use for our haircuttin sessions with the clippers. Maybe your mom can assist us, after she puts her shoes back on.
Okay, now you've gone too far. At least, you could've put the picture up of my car with you in the passenger side. I don't need everyone to know I have bad hair days too.
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