In light of a blog my roomie posted I also wanted to drop a few lines on this particular subject. It all started with a bachelorette party for Leannette a few years back, Chandra, Ericka and I were a few in attendance or shall i say the only ones i remember being present because we drove together....anyway the night started off with a few drinks and appetizers at a local Applebee's and then off to some random house in the damn south valley for the entertainment of a stripper. Okay this isn't something my friends and i are usually into but what the heck it's for "Netty". The dude is like an hour late so by the time of his arrival we are all a little under the influence. Can't really give specific's, the night is somewhat of a blurr but what i can remember is that when blonde removed his good will get-up he revealed a dolla-dolla bill thong and the worst tan in a bottle ass i've ever seen!!! Dude made zero dollars from me; all i could do was laugh but boy did I get some unwanted attention. I was like hey dude I’m not the one getting married here. I can’t recall how the guy got my phone number but there is definitely a tie for first with the Destiny’s Child song Bug-a-boo dedicated to him and my ESI Rebound Skank.(Rebound will have to be a future Blog) He said we had a connection and he felt a vibe with me…..lol! I think NOT! To make a long story short I had to stop going to Defined Fitness and change my number. To make matters worse I was told he still calls my old number hoping that one day I will answer. Can anyone say FREAK? Recently I attended another bachelorette party and guess who showed up in his famous dolla-dolla-bill shonies. I had to evacuate the premises immediately!!!!! I’ve even seen the dude downtown where I do this crazy duck and hide routine on the dance floor. Luckily he hasn’t spotted me yet. Who knows he might be reading this and just thinks I dance funny.
Now I don’t want to leave out Sweete. I’ve attached this lovely pic of him outside my residence. Here’s the story on my new stalker. I guess I can say we work together or at least remotely close to each other; we work on the same side of base. Well the guy claims he knows where I live and what type of cereal I purchase. Kinda creepy! I’ll keep you posted on good ol Sweete.
Now I know why we go to female strip clubs. At least, they have enough sense to use the spray on tan. Dolla Dolla Bill should take some advice from them because his bikini brief tanline with his dirty, small package holding thong, did not look good. It made me double check my cheeks that night. And tell Sweete, that if he's going to sit in our front yard late at night to quit singing that, damn Boy George song. And pick up a rack once in awhile.
I LOVED your blog this time around... sorry with the Valentines text I brought to your attention the other day it probably brought up the scary memories about this stripper stalker. But I have to admit you had me cracking up out loud at work thinking of his lovely dolla dolla bill thong! Sorry that happened to ya!
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